WeatherTech Wind & Rain Deflectors

Ventilation made easy, rain or shine, while parked or in motion.
Here in sunny South Florida, we get daily rain showers over half of the year. They last for five to twenty minutes, and then they are gone as quick as they came. The sun typically shines right through them.
It's aggravating to be driving along, windows down, enjoying the beautiful tropical weather, and suddenly you have to roll up the windows to keep the rain out. These wind and rain deflectors allow and you and the weather to compromise. You can still keep your windows partially down without getting drenched. They also cut back on wind noise as you're driving and AC usage. When parked, they allow you to keep the windows cracked for ventilation without worrying about water soaking your seats and carpets. These are, hands down, the finest deflectors made so we offer only Weatherflector Wind Deflectors. Anything else is would just be unacceptable for my customers.
WeatherFlector Wind Deflectors are precision crafted in Germany exclusively for MacNeil Automotive Products, An OEM approved supplier to nearly 20 of the world's finest vehicle manufacturers. Their client list includes Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, Toyota, Saab, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan and Honda, which assures you the highest in quality engineering, safety and function. In fact, they are the only manufacturer of wind and rain deflectors that meet the ultra-tough requirements of the German product testing firm TUV.
The optically transparent cast acrylic is nearly twice as thick as the nearest competitor and installs quickly and easily inside your window channel using a precision-machined, micro-thin mounting flange. Rain or shine, while parked or in motion, you'll get the best of both worlds with Weatherflector! While parked you can leave the windows open an inch or two to keep the interior cool without worrying about rain entering. While driving with the windows open you can take advantage of the fresh outside air while minimizing the amount of wind and noise entering your window. On rainy days you can partially open your window without getting soaked, allowing an added bit of ventilation to remove stale or smokey air. The WeatherFlector is clearly your finest choice!
As a Weathertech Diamond Dealer we stock a good supply of in-channel rainguards. Part numbers not in stock usually take 5-7 days for delivery.
Here in sunny South Florida, we get daily rain showers over half of the year. They last for five to twenty minutes, and then they are gone as quick as they came. The sun typically shines right through them.

WeatherFlector Wind Deflectors are precision crafted in Germany exclusively for MacNeil Automotive Products, An OEM approved supplier to nearly 20 of the world's finest vehicle manufacturers. Their client list includes Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, Toyota, Saab, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan and Honda, which assures you the highest in quality engineering, safety and function. In fact, they are the only manufacturer of wind and rain deflectors that meet the ultra-tough requirements of the German product testing firm TUV.

As a Weathertech Diamond Dealer we stock a good supply of in-channel rainguards. Part numbers not in stock usually take 5-7 days for delivery.