COVER FABRICS - Which One is Right for You?
We offer a wide selection of fabrics, to allow you to select the one that will meet your vehicle's protection needs and budget. Different fabrics offer different levels of protection performance, and some focus on protecting from a specific element, like intense sun exposure or dust. All Covercraft fabrics are "breathable" to allow good air circulation under the cover. That's important because it assures that any moisture or condensation under the cover can easily evaporate, and it also reduces heat build-up on hot days. Remember, rain water (not acid rain) won't hurt a vehicle's finish; it's UV rays and pollutants in the air that cause the most damage to the exterior and interior finish.
It all depends on the protection level you want to achieve, and the amount of money you want to budget, to protect your investment. In the long run, the cost of the cover is minimal compared to the replacement cost of what you are protecting. Remember, a cover not only protects BOTH the inside and outside of a vehicle, it also acts as a theft-deterrent by keeping the vehicle out of view to potential thieves.
How to install a custom car cover.

How to install a custom car cover.